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YinYang represents the interrelated, opposing and dynamic forces that make up all aspects and phenomena of life. This ancient concept is deeply rooted in Chinese philosophy and Taoism, and embodies the very essence of balance and harmony. Yin symbolises earth, water, darkness, stillness and feminine. Yang symbolises heaven, fire, light, activity and masculine.

The YinYang symbol has its origin in the I Ching, one of the oldest books in Chinese philosophy. It is commonly represented by the light and dark halves of a circle. The balance of Yin and Yang is integral to every aspect of health and wellbeing.

Extreme polarities arose from the proving, as well as states of great harmony and balance. For those who feel stuck in their lives or lack direction the remedy can bring ‘flow’.

The remedy has wide application, some of the key themes and affinities include:

  • Spiritual connection and grounding
  • Gratitude and love
  • Releasing creative blocks and procrastination
  • Healing the pineal gland
  • Balancing female hormones including menstrual pain, PMS and menopausal flushes
  • Restoring lost libido
  • Regulating appetite and sugar cravings

YinYang was first proved in Ireland and then subsequently with an international group of provers. A heartfelt thank you to all the provers involved for the wonderful enthusiasm, awareness, and love brought to this proving.

The remedy is available from:

This proving is dedicated to Julia and Bernard
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